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Services Summary
The Quincy Police Department offers many services to the community. We have listed a few of these services below. Contact the Quincy Police Department at (509) 787-4718 for more information.
The Quincy PD can provide extra patrols at a citizens request. This could include extra patrols of their residence while they are away on vacation. It could also include areas of concern with traffic problems or increased criminal activity.
The Quincy PD has officers specially trained in gang intelligence. Officers can provide training and education on what to look for in your children or students, strategies on gang prevention, and much more.
If you would like a brief tour of our facility, please call the Police Department to make arrangements. Tours are tailored to the age group in attendance. We welcome citizens to come and meet the officers, check out the patrol cars, and become familiar with their Police Department.
If you are assigned community service hours or would like to volunteer, please contact our Community Service Coordinator, Sergio Castillo at scastillo@quincypd.org or (509) 797-3760. You will need to fill out a volunteer agreement form (located at the bottom of this page) and bring it with you along with identification to the police department. If you are under the age of 18 you must be accompanied with a parent or guardian who has identification.
The Quincy Police Department is participating in a statewide effort to raise awareness of the use of car seats for children. Their effort has included public education and traffic safety, including emphasis patrols targeting car seat violations and child occupant protection, according to a press release.
According to Washington state law, infants need to be rear facing in an infant seat or convertible seat until at least age 1 and at least 20 to 22 pounds. Rear seats should never be placed in front of an active airbag. Children at least 1 year and over 22 pounds can be put into a forward-facing car seat until they have outgrown the weight and height limitations, usually at 40 pounds around age 4. Once they outgrow a forward facing seat, children need to be put into a booster seat until they are 4 feet 9 inches tall. Boosters should fit properly, with a belt that crosses over the shoulder and hip bones. Children should ride in the back seat until age 13.
The Quincy Police Department co-sponsored a free car seat check-up event on March 7 with the Central Basin Traffic Safety Task Force, Safe Kids Grant County, and Grant County Fire District No. 3. They saw nine vehicles and inspected 16 car seats. The event also distributed seven booster seats, two convertible seats, and one combination seat, which replaced defective, outgrown or non-existent car seats.
There will be another child restraint emphasis in July. Anyone with any questions about the law or who would like their car seats inspected for condition and proper installation can call the Quincy Police Department at 787-1237 for more information.
The Quincy PD provides animal control and enforcement services to the City of Quincy but we are not an animal shelter. Stray dogs and other animals are picked up by the Quincy PD and then are transported to the local animal shelter at 213 6th Ave NE. for adoption services. For animal control, contact the Quincy Police Department at (509) 787-4718. For pet adoption services, please call the shelter at (509) 787-4718 ext. 533.
The City of Quincy requires business and homeowners to cover up graffiti on their property, however, free graffiti cleanup services may be provided for the elderly or infirm. Please give us a call to see if you qualify. For more information, please call Sergio Castillo at scastillo@quincypd.org (509) 797-3760